Thursday, April 19, 2012


I haven't got on the scale for about two months...I knew I wasn't exercising and I had been eating alot of junk so I knew it would be bad.  I got on this morning and I am not happy with myself.... So this will be my record of weekly weigh-in, food intake and exercises...I only have one follower so it's not like I have to worry about what others think of me.  I know my follower will love me no matter how awful I am at dieting....:)
Weigh-in: 154.6 lbs
Walked 1 mile tonight
Breakfast;  half grapefruit, ten saltine crackers.
Lunch; chicken fettichini,
Snack; three handfuls of carmel popcorn.
Dinner; spaghetti and steamed califlower.
Pretty good if I say so myself,  although I felt like I was starving all day...

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