Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Pounds

So I wrote down all my wieghts last week so I could record them when I had time, well now I can't remember where I wrote them.  So I will go from memory.  Monday 152.8, Tuesday 152.4, Wednesday 151.6, Thursday 151.0, Then I didn't weight in on the weekend and Today is was 153.2,  I guess I need to start weighing in on the weekends too.  I did discover though that I can't go completely without carbs, it actually made me crave them worse than I ever had.  So just cutting back helps me more.  Also if I know I'm going to be weighing myself in the morning I eat less.  I still have not been motivated into excercising yet.  I get all ready to go run or walk or do yoga but I just find so many other things that need done instead.  I know I need to be healthier and that should be a top priority for me but I just need to change my mind set for it first.  Just doing it to lose weight or run a half marathon with my sister, daughter and niece just isn't the motivation I can use to propell myself.

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