Wednesday, June 27, 2012


So birthdays and Mother's Day are two of the best days of the year.  Your children seem to try extra hard to not fight and to do thier chores and to be nice to you.  It is wonderful, I know they love me everyother day of the year too but when they put forth that extra effort it makes it all the more special.
On the other hand, when you have children who act the way they do on your birthday every day, you know they have the true love, respect and maturity that makes your heart soar. There is no doubt that they have grown into more than you could have ever expected.
I am so greatful for the children I have they are truely wonderful.....

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Pounds

So I wrote down all my wieghts last week so I could record them when I had time, well now I can't remember where I wrote them.  So I will go from memory.  Monday 152.8, Tuesday 152.4, Wednesday 151.6, Thursday 151.0, Then I didn't weight in on the weekend and Today is was 153.2,  I guess I need to start weighing in on the weekends too.  I did discover though that I can't go completely without carbs, it actually made me crave them worse than I ever had.  So just cutting back helps me more.  Also if I know I'm going to be weighing myself in the morning I eat less.  I still have not been motivated into excercising yet.  I get all ready to go run or walk or do yoga but I just find so many other things that need done instead.  I know I need to be healthier and that should be a top priority for me but I just need to change my mind set for it first.  Just doing it to lose weight or run a half marathon with my sister, daughter and niece just isn't the motivation I can use to propell myself.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 2

So second day of no husband, and I'm ready for him to come back home.....
My weight this morning was 153.0 lbs.  So far I've only lost 8 ounces.  Not exactly a pound a day but I will take what I can get.  I'm sure one of these days I will get on the scale and I will have lost 3 or 4 pounds, so it will all balance out.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

25 Pounds in 25 Days!!!!

So I'm conducting an experiment.  I seen an advertisement for a drug that would help you lose 25 pounds in only 25 days.  Which seems too good to be true.  It is very expensive and who knows what it would do to your body.  It is made up of caffeine and other metabolism and energy boosters.(hang on to your heart).
Well I wonder  what would happen if I stopped eating so many carbs and cut out all junk food and exercised twice a day?  Could I have the same results without the risk of my heart exploding?
I started yesterday and it went well, I realized I will have to wean off the candy and junk food slowly because it is such a habit for me.
Starting weight was 153.8 lbs. 
Today's weight is 153.2 lbs.
I am actually really excited about doing this....of coarse I  have said that before but who knows this could be different.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Self Discoveries

This weekend I have had a few self discoveries....first I found that when someone hurts me I tend to pull away from them.  I think it is a defense so that I won't get hurt again. I don't think most people mean to hurt us, they are either upset or just not thinking about what they are saying or something. So I need to try to not let things hurt me and when it does just let it go and still reach out and be there for the one who has done the hurt.
My next discovery is that when I say or do the things that I've been prompted to do I save time and lives, help someone else or just feel more peace which makes my day go a whole lot better.
My third discovery was not to good.... I discovered that I have put on five pounds.... Time to start running again. Actually now that I have time I should workout twice a day.
Discovery number four the end of the school year is a very busy time. I should not schedule anything else at this time.  We have something major every night this week including tonight which should be FHE.  I think some people schedule meetings on Monday because they know you don't have any other church meetings.
Enough of the discoveries, life is good and family is great.  Love where your at or make it the very best you can.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Words to live by

Remember you are more beautiful than you see,
More talented than you think,
and smarter than you know.

Monday, May 7, 2012


So after a wonderful Stake Conference Broadcast and weeks of contemplation I changed the title of my blog..... I want to live the Lord's way and do things the way He outlined them to be.  I find joy in serving my family and taking care of our home.  My testimony has increased as I take the time to study my scriptures and ponder their meaning in my life.  I am eternally grateful to my Heavenly Father and all that he has blessed me with.