Wednesday, May 30, 2012

25 Pounds in 25 Days!!!!

So I'm conducting an experiment.  I seen an advertisement for a drug that would help you lose 25 pounds in only 25 days.  Which seems too good to be true.  It is very expensive and who knows what it would do to your body.  It is made up of caffeine and other metabolism and energy boosters.(hang on to your heart).
Well I wonder  what would happen if I stopped eating so many carbs and cut out all junk food and exercised twice a day?  Could I have the same results without the risk of my heart exploding?
I started yesterday and it went well, I realized I will have to wean off the candy and junk food slowly because it is such a habit for me.
Starting weight was 153.8 lbs. 
Today's weight is 153.2 lbs.
I am actually really excited about doing this....of coarse I  have said that before but who knows this could be different.


  1. Replies
    1. then do it will be fun, but you have to record your weight somewhere.
