Wednesday, May 2, 2012

mom's worry

Stihl called from Chicago, where he is competing at BPA Nationals to tell me he has had a bloody nose for almost 20 minutes and wants to know what to do about it......For a split second "mommy mode" kicks and I start thinking about flying out there to make sure it's ok, then I realize how dumb that would be and wonder if instead there is a Relief Soceity Pres. that I could contact out there to go take care of him. Still a pretty lame thought, then I gather my common sense and realize all he really needs is to hear that I love him. I told him to lay down for a while and call me back in twenty minutes.  He called back and we talked for almost ten minutes on the phone, (the longest conversation I think we have ever had that didn't include a sport or him convincing me to buy him something.)
My daughter who is away at college told me she had a bad dream one night and all I could like to tell her was that if it got too bad she could come sleep on my bedroom floor.  When she calls and says she needs a hug I want to drive there and give her a hug and make everything bad in her life go away.
I guess it doesn't matter how old they are or how far away...I will always be their mom, it never ends.  For that I am eternally grateful.
Love, Mom

1 comment:

  1. Mom you bring tears to my eyes, you are the sweetest mother I know! I love you:) thank you for ALWAYS being there for me! (even though I am old;)
