Saturday, April 21, 2012

bad day

Today was a particularly bad day...I got my visa bill, and what I thought was only 300 was really 800 and because I didn't request a paper bill the automatically send an email I didn't know I had received a bill for April therefore I didn't pay it. So my husband got a phone call from them today telling them that I need to pay the amount owed by Tuesday.  He didn't even know I had a balance on this card let alone such a large one. 
I really messed up again and I don't even understand how it happened.  It was just one little thing at a time I guess.
There is no excuse for it but now I get the "I'm so disappointed" treatment and for at least the next six months anytime we can't go do something fun it's going to be because mom can't take care of the money..... I just want to bury my head in the sand and forget about all my troubles.

1 comment:

  1. Mom I know I have not been the best support for you on this, and for that I am sorry. You sould not and do not deserve the "Disappointed" treatment and it is not entirely your fault, it is the man and the womans resposibility to work together on the finances. And as kids we have not made it easy for you, you have a giving nature and we take advantage of that and ask for things we know that we cannot aford as a family, for this also I am sorry.
    You are a wonderful mother and you do your very best on the finances, I have witnessed it much over the years. I will keep you in my prayers that the understanding of others may come becuase this is not your fault and you should never feel that way.
