Monday, April 16, 2012

What to wear

When my kids were little and I stayed home with them all day, I didn't see much sense in getting all dressed up when I went out.  I was presentable my hair was done and my clothes clean.  But when I would go to the school to watch them in a play or put on a program I felt self conscious about my looks.
Once I started working I loved getting dressed up in my dress pants and nice button up shirt, I liked hearing my heels click as I walked out the door.  I felt more confident, I thought people could see who I really was meant to be.
As I have gained more wisdom.  I see who I am meant to be.  A mom, which I know see as the greatest calling in the world..... I would love to trade all those days in a suit for more days in jeans and a t-shirt spent watching over my kids.
I realize now it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of me,  I only have to answer to myself....I want to look in the mirror and see my hair in a ponytail, my jeans muddy from working in my garden, flour on my shirt from the bread I baked and took to my sisters I visit teach and a glow in my eyes because I finally know my mission on this earth.

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